Accreditations & Associations

National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators (NCCCO) ™
Associated Training Services is an approved test site and registered training provider for the National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators (NCCCO). NCCCO was formed in January 1995 as a non-profit organization to develop effective performance standards for safe crane operation to assist all segments of general industry and construction. ATS fully endorses the national certification program offered by the National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators (NCCCO) and will prepare candidates for the CCO certification examinations. Trainees in this program will be prepared to complete written and practical tests for (NCCCO) certification.

Department of Workforce Development / Workforce Investment Act
ATS is a certified training provider under the Workforce Investment Act (WIA). This allows us to participate in WIA funding programs for each state in which we qualify according to Department of Workforce Development (DWD) regulations.

US Department of Veterans Affairs
The Federal Department of Veterans Affairs has approved ATS as an eligible training school for veterans. Veterans educational benefits are available to all students who qualify while attending ATS. For more information on veterans benefits, check out the ATS page on military benefits.

State Board Of Education
Associated Training Services is licensed and approved in the following states, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Michigan, and Indiana by their educational approval boards.

Better Business Bureau
Associated Training Services has been a Better Business Bureau (BBB) member since 2003, and ATS currently holds an A+ Rating with the BBB.

Associated Training Services is a registered contractor with ISNetworld, Dallas,Texas. ISNetworld supports more than 360 hiring clients in capital-intensive and public sector industries to help manage more than 54,000 contractors and suppliers with operations in over 75 countries.

Associated Builders & Contractors
Associated Training Services is a member of Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC). Associated Builders and Contractors is a national construction industry trade association representing nearly 21,000 chapter members. Founded on the merit shop philosophy, ABC and its 70 chapters help members develop people, win work and deliver that work safely, ethically, profitably and for the betterment of the communities in which ABC and its members work. ABC's membership represents all specialties within the U.S. construction industry and is comprised primarily of firms that perform work in the industrial and commercial sectors.

National Underground Contractors Association
Associated Training Services is a member of the National Utility Contractors Association (NUCA) — the leading trade association working solely for the utility construction and excavation industry in the United States. NUCA's nationwide network of state/regional chapters and member companies represent utility contractors, excavators, suppliers, manufacturers, and other providers in the water, sewer, gas, electric, telecommunications, treatment plant, and excavation industries.

Specialized Carriers and Rigging Association (SC&RA)
The Specialized Carriers and Rigging Association (SC&RA) is an international trade association of more than 1,300 members from 46 nations. Members are involved in specialized transportation, machinery moving and erecting, industrial maintenance, millwrighting and crane and rigging operations, manufacturing and rental.